Common kitchen items, quick remedies

Living a healthy lifestyle has become a very big rave! And if you live in South Florida like I do, the amount of juice bars that you see will make your head spin! While these places offer very healthy options, they can quickly run you a pretty penny. So to help you reduce your spending, I’m sharing how a few common items from your kitchen that can be used to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle:

– Ginger – known for its distinctive spicy taste and strong aroma, ginger is commonly used in many desserts and in many Asian cultures, it is a staple in savory dishes. However, most people do not realize that ginger is also a very good natural remedy for fighting a cold, a sore throat, menstrual cramps, nausea, certain inflammations (colon) amongst other issues. And to make it easy on us, ginger tastes great! There is nothing better to me than a medication that is 1) not a pill, 2) affordable, and 3) has a great taste! The best thing about ginger is that even when used as a remedy you can ingest in various ways. Those who are brave may simply cut a piece and chew it, others may infuse it into a tea or if you grew up with creative grandmothers as I did, you might have eaten a ginger brittle to fight off a bad cold! For more information on the great benefits of ginger, please visit

– Lemon/ Lime – with its antiviral and immune boosting qualities, growing up limes (in my case) were a constant in my mother’s kitchen! It can be used a quick high dose of vitamin C to help boost your immune system during cold/flu season whether it is in a juice or just a wedge squeezed and mixed with some honey to help calm a cough, lime (or lemon) is one of the best remedies to have around! It can also be beneficial with an occasional upset stomach. For a quick list of various remedies that you can create with lemons (or limes), check out Natural News’ article on 100 remedies:

– Mint – Not only does it smell delicious, but mint can also do wonders for your health! From nausea to indigestion, a sprig of mint in some water can help your body feel much better. Rich with antioxidants, mint can be of relief with the most common allergies and with common colds especially as a decongestant. One of my personal favorite uses for mint is as a skin refresher. Whether it is to calm a headache or to cool down a fever or simply as a scalp relief, mint is a very inexpensive and quick remedy. Want to find out some more benefits of mint? You can visit the Medical News Today’s article

While there are great benefits to these every day ingredients, please remember to pay close attention to your body for any abnormal reactions and to consult your physician if you have any concerns. I have been incorporating natural remedies in my regimen when I am sick and have found that they have helped me recover with less side effects and at times much quicker. Just be sure to do your research.

I wish you great health!

Staple pieces your career wardrobe

Whether you have a walking closet that rivals the celebrities or you are right out of college and are on a budget, there are staple items that the career glam girl’s wardrobe needs. From a job interview to an office presentation, these items are necessary for the glam girl to make her mark on the world.
1) Black pumps – these are to be a good pair of leather black pumps with a comfortable heel and no platform. These shoes are your formal wear shoes whether you are heading to job interview or to a formal work event, you can’t go wrong with these.
2) Pencil skirt – this skirt of a modest length (just above the knee), made out of quality material is a go to skirt just like the pumps for any formal event. To make it easy to pair, keep the color of this skirt dark and neutral such as grey, black, or navy.
3) White blouse – another quick go to item for any formal event, be sure to get a good quality so that the fabric does not deteriorate.
4) Cardigan – a quality cardigan of a solid color that can easily be thrown over camisoles and create a professional look.
5) Camisoles – these affordable items paired with different bottoms and with a cardigan or blazer over create a very polished and professional look.
6) Blazer – last minute meeting? No problem, you thrown on a neutral colored blazer over your top or dress and you instantly create a more business appropriate outfit. Be sure to get a well tailored blazer with an open collar.
I hope that these items will help you create a flexible wardrobe that is both glam and professional.

Stocking up on beauty items

There is nothing worst then getting ready to do your hair, nails, or makeup and realizing that you have run out of one of your favorite products! To avoid this issue, I usually do the following to help me avoid being in a predicament where I have to make an emergency run to the nearest drugstore in order to finish a beauty regimen in progress:

  1. Always be sure to replace your products when you have about 2 uses left in the container. That ensures that you will not have to put the bottle upside down half an hour before using the product and pray that you will amass enough product to use.
  2. Take advantage of the sales!!! Places such as drug stores, will usually run a special on beauty products every month. BOGO (buy one, get one) specials are my favorite!!!! And stores like Walgreens will provide you with a rain check for a sale item if they are out of it during the sale. Always be sure to ask for a manager if they are out of your favorite product that is on sale! Be sure to check the expiration date of the rain check and all rules that may apply. Another great way of getting a good discount is with coupons! Target RedCard holders usually receive store coupons for products that you usually purchase, so after you have completed your payment, make sure that your cashier hands you the coupons that print out!
  3. Have an emergency backup product! An emergency backup product usually for me is a less expensive similar product to the brand that I am faithful to. While it may not give you the same results as your trusted brand, if you are in a bind in the middle of the night getting your hair ready for the week, you will be able to rock a decent hairstyle the next morning until you have a chance to swing by the store and replace the empty containers.

I hope these tips will help you avoid another crisis and will help you better prepare your supply of beauty products.

Happy stocking!

Making time for friends amidst a busy schedule

If you are a glam girl, chances are you are juggling many hats every day! Whether it is work, kids, school, or social responsibilities, it just seems like the weeks seem to fly by and before you know it it has been months since you last saw some of the people dearest to your heart. I have a group of girlfriends with whom I’ve been friends for over 20 years, and even with some of them residing in the same town as me, it is still hard for us to get together.
Last year, I made a resolution to not wait until a major life event for me to make plans to see my friends. Now to ensure that we catch up on a regular, the girls and I use small events as opportunities to get together. Here are some of the gatherings we usually plan:
– Cooking nights – since some of my girls are not big in the kitchen and I love to cook, whenever I have a new recipe that I would love to try, I call a few of them and plan to have them over for a night during the weekend. Each person brings something to the dinner and we usually catch up on either some good DVR or with a good newly released DVD. I would recommend these gatherings especially for the glam girls with families as it is informal and the kids will then have a chance to play together.
– Dinners – if we have been having hectic weeks, we might simply gather together over a nice dinner at a new restaurant that we have been wanting to try. These are especially great because then no one has to worry about the cleaning! These are especially great for the ultimate busy career glam girl who is trying to catch some time with her girls in between work projects.
– Movies – sometimes our schedules are more limited and do not permit for us to catch up as we would normally do. In those days, we would plan to catch a movie together. Sometimes it’s the latest showing possible and usually at the little movie theather around the corner where $15 will get you a ticket and some snacks! However, we still have the chance to get together and let some stress melt away. These gatherings will fit any glam girl and more particularly the one with a budget.
Overall, whether it’s your friends or it’s your family, we all need to catch up with those that are dear to us on a regular basis. They are a part of who we are and have been there with us through the struggles and the successes. Furthermore, I’ve found that my gatherings with my ladies have provided us with with an informal therapy session. I hope that my suggestions will help you spend some time with your loved ones a little more often.

